Scalp Treatment for Hair Loss

SKYE Supports the rejuvenation of your hair and scalp.
Combats thinning hair and hair loss, restores your hair and scalp to a healthy state, and gets you closer to your ideal hairstyle.

Recommended for customers who are concerned about:

At SKYE , we use products specially designed for the scalp that will get rid of fatty acids, cleanse the scalp, and balance the distribution of oil and water in the scalp.

We also use scalp massage to improve circulation. Massage is an effective treatment for a scalp that has become brittle from stiff muscles due to poor blood flow.

1 Consult Session
Using a special sheet, we will ask you about the condition of the scalp and the lifestyle related to the scalp.

2 We examine your scalp with a Scalp Analyzer
( We also examine the difference between your pre-treatment and post-treatment scalp.)

3 Scalp massage with specialized Serum – Using a specialized serum, we massage your scalp and remove any hardened impurities stuck to the hair and lipids that have accumulated in the pores so deeply that they cannot be washed away with normal shampoo.

4 Scalp Shampoo
We massage your scalp with a specialized shampoo full of ingredients that add essential moisture and nutrients to your scalp and pores.

5 Scalp Conditioner
This is a specialized conditioner full of ingredients that add essential moisture and nutrients to your scalp and pores.

6 Scalp tonic application and massage
By massaging and relieving tension and stiffness from the frontal, temporal, and occipital muscles in your head, we improve the lymphatic flow and help reinvigorate the inner skin cells on your scalp.

7 Dry your hair (If you need a full blowout or hot tool, a fee will be added)

Advice about styling products and methods.

*The head spa works best not as a one-time treatment, but rather as a repeated application through which you can experience improved hair and scalp health.

Organic Hair Loss Treatment

We encourage the use of Organic therapies for hair treatments for general wellness, scalp health and strong, healthy and youthful hair. Other salon treatments are added on to ensure you have a complete salon experience.

Everybody’s hair is different, and everyone’s hair responds differently to coloring based on its health. Le Salon’s expert hair consultation includes a personalized analysis of your hair, through a method we call the Wet Stretch test.

Our experts can determine the protein level of your hair based on a system of testing criteria, and then provide you with a complete, custom-tailored set of our patented organic haircare treatment products primed for your hair’s specific makeup and needs.

Our goal is to help you achieve optimal scalp & hair health. Our organic treatments are designed to help alleviate a range of imbalances created by natural or artificial elements, by using biodynamic, organic and fair trade ingredients.

*Depending on the severity of scalp or hair condition, your stylist may recommend a 3-6 month treatment plan. Along with at home products to use and routine to follow for optimal results.

What to expect on your first visit.

Hair Loss/Scalp Treatment Consult: this appointment is a combination of consultation and scalp analysis. I will look at your scalp under a microscope to determine which treatment is appropriate and determine our best course of action.

In-Salon Treatment: Highly concentrated organic scalp treatment for hair loss. Designed to strengthen the hair bulb and stimulate dermal papillae to induce new hair growth and prevent hair loss

Home Treatment: Like the in-salon treatment, it strengthens the hair bulb and stimulates dermal papillae to induce new hair growth and prevent hair loss but in a less concentrated formula safe for frequent use. (Due to the more gentle nature of the formulations the regrowth process will take longer)

Google Reviews



I tried many scalp centers all over Singapore
But I never expected a very good experience with SKYE Organic and I am very happy with the outcome of my Scalp Therapy.

Effective and Affordable
Thanks to the whole team of SKYE

henni hatta

Great and worth the money I paid for, I love the straight and shine also very safe after few washes are still ok.